Destroy The Monoliths is out!

Hello everyone,

Destroy The Monoliths is out right now on Steam! After one year or working on this project, I am very happy to share version 1.0 with you. There is 15% discount on launch week so you can get it now for $6 USD!

In terms of content, the full game offers:

  • 16 different types of maps
  • 16 different weapons
  • 20+ enemies
  • 70+ buildings
  • 130+ relics, including the doomed relics that increases the difficulty of worlds
  • 40+ achievements to collect

I believe there is quite a lot to discover! And I can’t wait to see all the cool strategies you will find to destroy monoliths!

As always, don’t hesitate to give your feedback or report issues on the Steam forums. My top priority for the next few weeks is to fix potential bugs I might have missed and refine further the difficulty balance if necessary thanks to player feedback.

Also, if you give the game a shot, please consider leaving an honest review after playing. Reviews are an important part of the Steam store and they really help people determine if a game could be their cup of tea. If you enjoy the game, don’t hesitate to spread the word to friends. It helps the game community grow and that is awesome!


With v1.0, I am releasing the full soundtrack of the game too. There are 15 tracks total and you can purchase it with the game thanks to a discounted bundle. This is a great way of supporting further my work if you want to. If you already own my previous game Skycliffs, there is also a bundle you can use to get Destroy The Monoliths with a discount.

Final words

I am also releasing today a demo update. I am including the changelog below for those of you who are interested in seeing the recent changes I made.

Again, thanks everyone for sharing this journey with me. I am really grateful to have people interested in my work! I am proud of releasing this next project and I hope you will have a ton of fun playing!

See you soon!

Changelog (v0.7h > v1.0)


  • Increased the frequency of the orange ore in the map generation
  • All status effect turrets now shoot over obstacles with a parabolic trajectory instead of needing a direct line of sight
  • Modified the aim ray to have a circle shape when in building mode
  • Upgraded to Godot Engine 3.5.3


  • Fixed grenades launch angle causing them to sometime bounce and miss their target
  • Fixed mine turret shooting not far enough and not hitting enemies at the very edge of their range
  • Fixed current building in sight panel not updating the repair button when picking up resources
  • Fixed player sometimes getting thrown in the air when hit
  • Fixed cursor texture being off by a few pixels
  • Fixed magma trap kill counter not working properly for the achievement
  • Fixed weapons magically unlocking when reading journal entries in game

1 Response

  1. November 8, 2023

    […] Destroy The Monoliths was released last week, and, first of all, a huge thanks for your support and interest! Things actually went a bit better than what I was expecting, so that’s great! I’m really enjoying seeing players engage with the game and have fun. You also shared a lot of useful feedback to help me improve things further, and I’m really grateful for that! […]