[FR] On parle de Skycliffs sur Game Side Story !

Bonjour tout le monde ! Une fois n’est pas coutume, voici un rapide post en français pour partager un article sur Skycliffs publié sur le site Game Side Story ! Un grand merci à...

DevLog #4 – You shall not pass my powerful shield!

Hello everyone! Last time I showed a bit more the campaigns in Destroy The Monoliths. I hope you enjoyed reading about the world map, the permanent upgrades and the technology tree! This week, let’s...

Skycliffs is out in Early Access right now!

Hello everyone! I’m very excited to announce that Skycliffs is now available in Early Access! You can grab the game right now (There is a 10% discount for launch week! And there is also...

Skycliffs is part of Dreamhack Beyond Indie Showcase!

Hello everyone! I’m glad to announce that Skycliffs is part of the Dreamhack Beyond Indie Showcase! The events is live today and lasts until October 23rd! You can head to the sales page to...