DevLog #29 – Better classes for your next journey!

Hello everyone! I’m releasing today v0.9.3a of Skycliffs Demo! To read the full patchnote, you can head here. But let’s review the main changes together! Classes and meta progression improvements Skycliffs has a very...

DevLog #28 – Items now auto equip!

Hello everyone! I’m glad to release today v0.9.3 of Skycliffs demo! Full patch note is available here. It contains a few tweaks and bug fixes, but mostly some significant improvements to the equipment system....

DevLog #26 – New logo and artwork!

Hello everyone! Today I would like to share a brand new logo and artwork I made for Skycliffs! I’m very happy with the result and I feel it conveys the ambiance of the game...

13 free software for your gamedev toolbox

Hello everyone! After the devlog of last week, let’s talk today about gamedev more generally. I would like to share a list of free software I use a lot in every aspect of making...

Watch Skycliffs new beta trailer!

Hello everyone! A few days ago, I shared about the development progress of Skycliffs that has now entered beta stage. The game changed quite a lot since the first alpha version, so I decided...